Interviews & Book Reviews
The Nerd Daily | Review: Evergreen by Kirsten Robinson
Every book has a voice, and Evergreen tells you with compassion, and boldness, that you are perfect the way you are.
From the very first page of delicate words, it feels like you’re sitting across from your guardian angel, and they’re telling you everything you’ve been yearning to hear. And in this case, your guardian angel is Kirsten Robinson.
Collective World: Kirsten Robinson, The Evergreen Poet Of New York City
Kirsten’s first book Evergreen, from Thought Catalog Books, is a collection of poetry about her personal experiences. Kirsten’s goal for the book? She hopes that those reading it will feel less alone in their journey to cope with loss and heartache, and to find within themselves a spring of hope and love. Here is our interview with Kirsten Robinson about her process, book, and advice for fellow writers.